
Non Consecutive Sudoku Help

Non Consecutive means that no cell can have orthogonally adjacent cell which has digit that is one digit away from the adjacent cell. In other words if a cell has value 3, first cell left, first cell right, first cell above and first cell below cannot be 2 or 4.

Non Consecutive

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Grid Snapshots

Only last 10 snapshots per grid are stored.

Saving snapshot will delete old snapshot with same grid configuration (if exists).

Saving snapshot will save grid in current configuration if grid isn't saved or if it's saved as draft.

Enter sudoku grid as text (use 0 for empty cells). Only classic sudoku grids can be imported as text. Importing grid cannot be undone, please save all previous changes.

Save Sudoku Grid

All public grids must be solvable by SudokuVariants. Looking for solution...

Setter Settings

See help for more info.


Share URL

Restart progress?
Are you sure you want to restart progress for this grid?