
Set (Construct)

Setting (construct) sudoku grids is available only in landscape (horizontal) orientation, it's recommended to use computer for setting sudoku grids.

Set left/top

Above grid is list of combinations for selected killer cage (and selected sandwich will be one day).

On the left we have a list of variants on this grid. Right from list of variants we have Undo, Redo and Clear selected cells.

Below Undo/Redo and Clear are

  • Settings button
  • Fill remaining grid button (be careful it does not always work and can freeze the page, save your work before using this button)
  • Save button (only works for signed in users)
  • Drafts button (for saving and loading drafts for the current grid, you need to be signed in)
  • Clear whole grid button
  • Export/Import button (works the same as on play page)

Set right

On the right side there is a list of buttons for adding constraints and Solving Steps button which will open dialog with solving steps for current grid.

Please wait...

Grid Snapshots

Only last 10 snapshots per grid are stored.

Saving snapshot will delete old snapshot with same grid configuration (if exists).

Saving snapshot will save grid in current configuration if grid isn't saved or if it's saved as draft.

Enter sudoku grid as text (use 0 for empty cells). Only classic sudoku grids can be imported as text. Importing grid cannot be undone, please save all previous changes.

Save Sudoku Grid

All public grids must be solvable by SudokuVariants. Looking for solution...

Setter Settings

See help for more info.


Share URL

Restart progress?
Are you sure you want to restart progress for this grid?